Initial Safety Services Limited celebrates 20 years of trading in 2023


A key milestone of 20 years trading has been achieved

Founder and Director Paul Bradbury reflects on the company's success and outlines its vision for the future.

"I launched Initial Safety Services Limited (ISS) in 2003 offering my expertise and experience as a health and safety practitioner to meet the growing demand within industry. ISS has been able to focus on learning and development, helping businesses to grow their own talent in the area of health and safety. ISS has also helped organisations with their Health and Safety Management Systems through policy development and auditing. Helping organisations meet their legal requirement is what my business is about, plain and simple.

During the pandemic ISS became more agile and adopted virtual learning at speed and I have found that many businesses wish to embed this type of training into their learning and development programmes.

In a world of ever increasing regulatory framework it is important that organisations engage with and develop their employees. Not only will this improve health and safety management within the business, which in turn will reduce costs, it will also develop a more inclusive culture, a sense of belonging and ownership which will help to improve morale amongst employees.

I believe that businesses are at a crossroads where they have an opportunity to improve their health and safety performance by changing their employees' behaviour in the workplace and this can in part be achieved through better, focused training.

Going forward ISS remains committed to providing consultancy and people development services aligned to customer needs. Many of our customers have used our services for several years and we want to thank them for their support."


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